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Esophageal PH Test in Riyadh

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Esophageal pH Test in Riyadh is a state-of-the-art treatment that is revolutionizing digestive health in Riyadh. learn about the transforming potential of this test if you’ve ever been curious about the secrets surrounding your acid levels and how they affect your health.

Procedure Time

30 Mins



Back to Work



2 - 3 Weeks

Table of Contents

Quick Facts

  • Risks: None

  • Cost: Affordable

  • Type of treatment: Minimally invasive

  • Results: Long lasting

Esophageal PH Test!

In order to diagnose conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, and even the risk of esophageal cancer, a diagnostic procedure known as the esophageal pH test is essential. By measuring pH levels, healthcare professionals gain an understanding of the factors causing discomfort and can more effectively customize treatments.

Ideal Candidates

Chronic Heartburn: If you’ve been dealing with chronic heartburn that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter remedies, this test can identify the root causes.

Suspected cases of GERD: pH monitoring can help direct further treatments in cases when GERD is suspected or when a patient is not responding to routine therapy.

Recurring Regurgitation: the regurgitation of stomach contents calls for an esophageal pH test, especially if it causes discomfort or difficulties.

Assessing Treatment Efficacy: If you’re currently receiving therapy for acid-related problems, this test will help you decide if your current treatments are working and whether any changes need to be made.


Some of the advantages are as follows

Precision diagnosis: It offers exact information on the levels of acidity in your esophagus, enabling precise diagnosis.

Customized Care: The test enables medical skin professionals to create treatment regimens that are specifically matched to your medical needs.

Early Issue Detection: It can identify underlying acid-related issues that could otherwise go undetected and stop them from worsening.

Monitoring the progress of therapy: For people already receiving treatment, the exam serves as a useful tool for tracking development and making required corrections.

Pre Care

  • It offers exact information on the levels of acidity in your esophagus, enabling precise diagnosis.
  • The test enables medical professionals to create treatment regimens that are specifically matched to your medical needs.
  • It can identify underlying acid-related issues that could otherwise go undetected and stop them from worsening.
  • For people already receiving treatment, the exam serves as a useful tool for tracking development and making required corrections.


Placement of the Sensor

Your nose or mouth is used to carefully insert a thin, flexible tube with a pH sensor at the tip into your esophagus, generally close to where it joins your stomach.

Data collection

As soon as the sensor is installed, it starts continually collecting data. This information comprises pH values and any variations in acidity that happened throughout the observation period.

Daily Routine

While the sensor gathers data, you are urged to carry on with your normal daily activities. It’s essential to keep track of any symptoms you encounter during this period since this information will enable you to link symptoms to pH data.

Sensor Removal

The sensor is gently removed following the observation period, which usually lasts between 24 and 48 hours. You may pick up where you left off right away following this simple, painless operation.

Healthcare experts review your esophageal pH levels using the data they’ve gathered, looking for any anomalies or problems that could need additional analysis or treatment.


  • Slight Throat Pain: The implantation of the sensor during the test may cause a sore throat for a day or two following the test. This soreness ought to go away shortly.


  • Normal Activities May Be Resumed Right Away: After the sensor has been taken out, normal activities may be resumed right away.


  • Symptom Diary: Keep a symptom journal for a few days after the test in order to record any changes or trends, as instructed by your doctor.


  • Follow-up appointments: Schedule a consultation with your healthcare professional to go over the findings and any suggested treatments.

Esophageal PH Test Cost in Riyadh

The Esophageal pH Test provides a cost-effective alternative, even if the overall expenditures are normally reasonable. It’s important to emphasize that our skilled team will establish the precise cost during your initial consultation in order to guarantee that the costs correspond with your unique treatment plan.

Price Influencing Factors

  • The doctor’s experience
  • Number of tests
  • Location

Your Path to Digestive Wellness

The best option in Riyadh for the Esophageal PH Test in Riyadh is Enfield Royal Clinic. Our esteemed doctors combine a unique mix of broad experience, a variety of skill sets, and a track record of happy patients. Throughout their careers, these surgeons with board certification have consistently produced favorable results.

Book us Now!

To book an appointment, simply arrange a consultation with our team of seasoned specialists. Our experts are ready to provide valuable guidance and assist you with the Esophageal PH Test in Riyadh.


Is it painful?
The test itself is painless, however, some patients may feel a little uncomfortable before and after the sensor implantation, like a sore throat.
How much time does the process require?
Normally, the sensor is left in place for 24 to 48 hours before being taken out. The entire process takes only a short amount of time.
What happens if my pH levels are off?
Uncovering problems may be revealed by abnormal pH levels. Your doctor will go over the findings with you and make any necessary recommendations for treatments or other testing.
Can I eat or drink something during the test?
To achieve reliable findings, you will often be required to fast for a certain amount of time before the test.

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