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Hair Implants in Riyadh

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Have you ever stared in the mirror and wondered whether hair loss can be stopped in its tracks? Are you looking for a solution that can boost your confidence in addition to healing your hair? Prepare to discover the wonders of Hair Implants in Riyadh, because perhaps the advancement in hair restoration holds the key to a more colorful, fuller version of yourself. Learn More about Hair Implants in Riyadh.

Procedure Time

4 to 8 hours


2 to 3 weeks

Back to Work

1 to 3 weeks



Table of Contents

Quick Facts

  • Risks: None
  • Cost: 10,000 SAR to 40,000 SAR
  • Type of procedure: Minimally invasive

Hair Implants

It is sometimes called implants and is a medical approach used to treat hair loss. Redistributing hair follicles from hair-rich parts of the scalp (typically the back or sides of the head, known as the donor area) to sites going through hair loss or thinning is the aim of these operations.

It can be done in various ways, but the most popular approach is known as follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE)


While each person’s outcome is unique, a lot of them report notable improvements in hair density and natural-looking hairline restoration. Patients frequently see an advanced regrowth of hair in the treated regions after a successful surgery, which adds to a fuller and more attractive impression.


  • Natural look: Utilizing the patient’s hair follicles, suggests a remedy that looks natural.
  • Permanent results: The hair grows continuously, delivering a long-term remedy for baldness.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Gaining a fuller head of hair generally makes people feel more confident and better about themselves.
  • Versatile Styling: Transplanted hair offers personal grooming adaptability since it may be cut, cleaned, and styled just like natural hair.
  • Low Care: It is a convenient and low-maintenance alternative because it takes little particular care once it is completely developed.

Perfect Candidate

  • Sufficient Contributor Hair: A nominee with sufficient donor hair would be excellent. follicles for transplantation come from this region.
  • Fair General Health: To be eligible for the surgical process, prospects must be in good general health. Deciding if a patient can resist the surgery and anesthesia is aided by a comprehensive medical assessment.
  • Stable Hair Loss: Nominees with stable patterns are better suited for the surgery. This guarantees that the transplant will seem natural for life.

Pre-care Instructions

  • Consultation: To consult your objectives and determine if you are an ideal nominee for the process, arrange for a talk with a licensed specialist.
  • Medical Evaluation: To make sure you are perfect and in good general health, undergo a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Expectations: Be honest with them about your hopes and the potential outcomes of the operation.
  • Observe Pre-Op Education: Comply with any pre-operative guidelines given by the surgeon; they may involve refraining from taking specific drugs or engaging in specific activities.

Before After Results

Hair Implants beffore after in Riyadh

How is the Procedure Done?

The procedure is done in many ways:

  • Preparation: The donor area, and hair follicles that are genetically resistant to hair loss, are identified and prepared by the surgeon.
  • Putting Hair Follicles: From the extracted region, the practitioner either pulls a strip of scalp (FUT) or individual follicular units (FUE). Individual hair follicles are gathered by a specialized micro-surgical device in FUE.
  •  Follicle preparation: The pulled follicles are painstakingly altered into discrete grafts, each of which has one or more hair follicles.
  • Preparing the Area: The area where hair loss has occurred is designed by the surgeon by making tiny incisions to hold the transplanted follicles.
  • Graft Placement: To ensure correct angulation and natural distribution, the prepared follicular units are carefully inserted into the recipient’s incisions.
  • Following Procedure: After implantation, the surgical team gives post-operative instructions covering cleaning protocols, medication regimens, and activity limitations.

Aftercare Instructions

  • Gently Cleaning: To avoid infection and encourage healing, clean the area that has been treated as instructed by the surgeon. Make use of suggested remedies or gentle cleaners.
  • Minimise Sun Exposure: During the early healing phase, keep the treated region as shade-free as possible. If exposure must be avoided, wear the sunscreen that the surgeon has advised.
  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: To avoid problems and promote the best healing, avoid heavy lifting, rigorous exercise, and strenuous activities throughout the designated recovery period.
  • Prescribed Drugs: To control discomfort and avoid infection, use any prescribed drugs including painkillers and antibiotics as advised.

Hair Implants Cost in Riyadh

Hair Implants

Starting From
SAR 10,000

Hair Implants

SAR 40,000

It usually costs between 10,000 SAR to 40,000 SAR. It’s important to keep in mind that the precise quantity may change based on the level of customization needed for your particular therapy.

Factors Affecting the Cost

  • Location
  • Surgeons expertise
  • Amount of grafts 
  • Procedure Type

Book an Appointment!

When you’re ready to move forward, we cordially invite you to set up a consultation with our knowledgeable and committed staff at Enfield Royal Clinic. Please get in touch with me for more information on Hair Implants in Riyadh.


How much time does it usually take?

The quantity of grafts and the technique (FUT or FUE) selected will decide how prolonged the method takes. Techniques typically take anywhere from a few hours to a whole day.

Is the approach uncomfortable?

A local anesthetic is used to minimize discomfort during the treatment by numbing the donor and recipient sites. Following the procedure, patients could feel some little soreness.

How quickly can I anticipate seeing outcomes?

Post-procedure effects might be noticeable in the months that follow, but it usually takes many months to a year for full and natural growth.

Are the effects irreversible?

Since it is resistant to the common causes of hair loss, the effects are usually permanent.

How do FUT and FUE vary from one another?

A strip of scalp is released for graft harvesting in FUT, whereas individual follicular units are extracted in FUE.

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Hair Transplant

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