Double Chin Removal Cost in Riyadh

Double chin removal Cost

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Ever caught yourself wondering, “Is there magic to bid farewell to that stubborn double chin?” Well, what if I told you there’s more there’s a transformative journey awaiting. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of double chin removal in Riyadh. Learn more about Double Chin Removal costs in Riyadh.

Quick Facts

  • Risks: None
  • Downtime: 1 to 3 days
  • Cost: 900 SAR to 10,000 SAR.
  • Type of treatment: Invasive and noninvasive
  • Outcomes: Long-lasting 
  • Back to work: within a week

Double Chin Removal!

Submental liposuction, also named for double chin reduction, is a minimally invasive technique used to say goodbye to that obstinate pocket of fat under the chin. Think of it as shaping yourself into a more distinct and sophisticated version of yourself.

During the process, a qualified professional targets and removes extra fat using cutting-edge procedures, showcasing your jawline’s contours in all their beauty. This is about revealing the hidden masterpiece, not about removing a feature. 

Double Chin Removal Cost in Riyadh

We will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the particular costs associated with the Double Chin Removal. when you come into our clinic. We will discuss the specifics of the price at your session; it usually ranges from 900 SAR to 10,000 SAR

Your unique requirements are our top focus, and we promise to provide tailored recommendations that precisely meet your needs. Beyond producing outstanding outcomes, our main priority is tailoring the expenses to meet your unique needs.

Factors Affecting the Cost

Here’s a summary of the factors influencing the price:

  • Surgical Procedures: Because they involve a high level of skill and intricacy, surgical procedures such as neck lift surgery or liposuction are typically more expensive.
  • Non-Surgical Procedures: While non-invasive procedures like CoolSculpting or Kybella injections may be less expensive, they may need several sessions.
  • Expertise and reputation of the provider: Professionals with a great deal of expertise and skill may charge extra for their services. Success rates and reputation can also affect cost.
  • Location: Depending on the nation or area, healthcare costs can differ greatly. Prices may be higher in urban areas and places with greater cost of living.
  • Facility Charges: Costs may vary depending on the setting in which the procedure is carried out a hospital, clinic, or specialty aesthetic center, for example. Modern facilities could have greater admission costs.

Book us Now!

We strongly recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our dedicated and knowledgeable team members when you are prepared to proceed. Feel free to reach out if you need further information regarding the Double Chin Removal cost in Riyadh. Please contact us anytime; we are ready to provide you with the details you need.


Injections of Kybella, CoolSculpting, and laser treatments that target and decrease fat under the chin are non-surgical solutions.

Deoxycholic acid, an ingredient in the injectable breaks down and absorbs fat cells to reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Non-surgical therapies usually involve little to no recovery time, so patients can get back to their regular lives right away.

Depending on the exact surgery, recovery times vary, but patients may need to miss a few days to several weeks of work to heal.

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