Get Beautiful, Balanced Jaw With

Orthognathic Surgery in Riyadh

Align Your Jaw for Health and Beauty!

Transform yourself into a world of beauty and confidence intertwined. We offer you the pathway to revive your confidence and self-exploration. Join us on the way where dreams are carved, and destinies restructure. Our experts reveal the artistry of Orthognathic Surgery in Riyadh Saudi Arabia redefining the beauty with one smile simultaneously. Embark on your pathway to reinvention, where accuracy meets passion and each contour tells the confident story. Read the below page, for further details.

Procedure Time

3 to 4 hours.


2 Weeks

Back to Work

after 8 to 10 days.



Table of Contents

Quick Facts

  • Cost: 3,500 SAR to 15,000 SAR.
  • Results: long-lasting.
  • Type of Procedure: safe and effective.

Orthognathic Surgery!

Orthognathic Surgery is generally a jaw surgery that operates to fix the upper jaw bone and also the lower jaw when they are not in the proper lining. It is the procedure that begins with orthodontia, then jaw surgery. It improves the control and looks of the face. Many patients who experience this therapy with braces might find an imbalance in their jaw (frontal and lower). The therapy was carried out with the combination of management among an orthodontist and an export surgeon. The therapy is just to adjust the jaw and it is operated by an oral surgeon working beside the orthodontist.


The results of the jaw surgery will be enduring. While there normally is minimal pain included in this surgery, there can be swelling or bruising. Moreover, the jaw surgery takes some months before final healing is fully accomplished. If good results are expected from the procedure, there is no assurance. This jawline can also be modified to correct specific situations long-lasting, you will resume to age inherently.

Enhance Your Facial Structure with Precision Surgery – Book an Appointment at Enfield Royal Clinic Saudia!

Ideal Candidates

The listed people are selected to be the perfect candidate:

  • Those who bite discrepancy.
  • People desire to enhance their facial appearance.
  • Non-smoking persons.
  • An individual who has the positive vibes to transform their outlook and expectations.
  • Those who want to correct the skeletal issues.


There are following benefits listed below:

  • It controls the appearance of your lower face.
  • Enhances the operations of the teeth.
  • Health advantages from enhanced sleep, breathing, chewing, and swallowing.
  • Enriches the impairments in speech.
  • It improves your confidence level.
  • Make biting, chewing, and grinding easier overall.
  • Minimizes the surplus wear and breakdown of the teeth. 
  • It corrects the issue of swallowing.

Pre-care Instructions

There are the following listed guidelines that are helpful before the procedure:

  • Consult with a specialized dentist.
  • Take care of your diet and get plenty of water.
  • Discuss your medical condition and expectations.
  • Blood tests and diagnostic tests as well.
  • Avoid smoking for at least 2- 3 weeks before.
  • Stop the consumption of alcohol.
  • Get someone with you who can take you home.

How is the Procedure Done?

There are many types of jaw bone surgery:

  • Maxillary osteotomy: This surgery is performed when your frontal jaw sticks out too much or too minimal. It also cures the open bite and cross bite.
  • Mandibular osteotomy: The surgery that is performed when the lower jaw sticks out much or minimally.
  • Double jaw surgery: the surgery takes place if you have any concerns about the affection for both jaws.

Post-care Instructions

There are the following instructions that affect the aftercare process:

  • Get the prescribed medicines to control pain.
  • Get the soft diet for a few weeks to get a quick recovery.
  • Intake the plenty of water.
  • Avoid all sorts of heavy activities and also the gym.
  • When you notice some recovery get to normal activities.
  • Follow all the instructions from the surgeon.


Every individual’s healing process is different from one another, but most people heal at home for many weeks before returning to work. You might have the ability to do light activities while you recover. Talk to your doctor or surgeon before starting the exercise in your routine. Recovery will take some time. It might be a year before your jawbone recovers fully.

Cost of Orthognathic Surgery In Riyadh

Cost of Orthognathic Surgery

SAR 3,500

Cost of Orthognathic Surgery

SAR 15,000

The Cost of Orthognathic Surgery in Riyadh Saudi Arabia varies from 3,500 SAR to 15,000 SAR. Your experts will discuss your medical condition, expectations, and the look you desire to get. This surgery is the main one that can disrupt your life for a few weeks and months. Every person’s expenses vary according to their concerns. We deliver you the best option of treatment to get effective outcomes.

Factor Effecting the Cost

Many factors can generally increase the cost and decrease the cost. The doctor will understand your decision and will be happy to perform the tasks. Here are some specific factors that might affect the cost:

  •  Number of sessions.
  • Reputed clinic.
  • The expertise of the dentist.
  • Duration.
  • Medication.
  • Location of the clinic.
  • The complexity of the case.

Why Choose our Services?

Visit Enfield Royal Clinic, we offer you the best and most effective therapies that will improve your appearance, and reduce your pain and other problems as well. Discuss all your experiences and your previous medical reports with your surgeon. This is the best opportunity to get the therapy for your jawline.

Book an Appointment!

We offer you the most effective results with Orthognathic Surgery in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Get the opporunity to fulfill your dream life. Grab your phone and Book An Appointment!


How long does the surgery take?

It takes at least 3 to 4 hours to operate the surgery.

Can it be reversible?

Jaw surgeries can be revised at any time but are not reversible properly. 

Is it permanent?

Yes, it is permanent but you have to follow the post-care instructions to maintain it.

What will be the recovery time?

It takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to recover from the surgery.

Does the jaw change its position?

When the dentist treats your teeth and plans to move your tooth they also change the position of the jaw line.

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